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Showing posts with the label benefits of antioxidants

Why Antioxidant is must For you?? Benefits of antioxidants

Why Antioxidant is must for you??   Good evening today we will know why we should include antioxidant in your daily routine and what are the adverse effects if we do not do it. Before we start the benefits of antioxidant, we have to know what is antioxidant, so for this we have to know more about oxygen. Do you know oxygen have negative effect too, yes it is true, oxygen have negative effect in the form of free radicals and if it excess in nature it can cause oxidative stress ensues resulted in adversely alter lipids, proteins and DNA which is the main cause of several diseases are on the rise. So to reduce this and to absorb free radicals we have to include antioxidants in our daily routine. Several foods, spices and fruits are    having  very good antioxidant properties, if taken with right amount with right timing helps to absorb free radicals resulting in enhancing our health. If we do not have antioxidant in our daily routine it will affect us badly??? Yes as we know several chemi