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Asclepius wellness new summer bonanza 2022

Asclepius new summer bonanza 2022(Thailand 3Nights/4 Days.(From 11Apr22-14Jul22) Great News now you can achieve International tour Today blog we will know about new summer bonanza announced by Asclepius wellness which any distributor of Asclepius wellness can quality if  he/she qualify the target which is given by company. Time period for qualification is 11Apr22 to 14jul22. Those who qualify for same will be eligible for International trip thailand trip for 3 nights and 4 days. Following is the target for each level, you can see how much Sp points for each level below; Asclepius Wellness Business plan What is Asclepius wellness and why people are joining with them Kindly note: All achievers has to reach Kolkata airport under their own arrangements. If you want to know more about Asclepius wellness you can contact us Contact link

Why Antioxidant is must For you?? Benefits of antioxidants

Why Antioxidant is must for you??   Good evening today we will know why we should include antioxidant in your daily routine and what are the adverse effects if we do not do it. Before we start the benefits of antioxidant, we have to know what is antioxidant, so for this we have to know more about oxygen. Do you know oxygen have negative effect too, yes it is true, oxygen have negative effect in the form of free radicals and if it excess in nature it can cause oxidative stress ensues resulted in adversely alter lipids, proteins and DNA which is the main cause of several diseases are on the rise. So to reduce this and to absorb free radicals we have to include antioxidants in our daily routine. Several foods, spices and fruits are    having  very good antioxidant properties, if taken with right amount with right timing helps to absorb free radicals resulting in enhancing our health. If we do not have antioxidant in our daily routine it will affect us badly??? Yes as we know several chemi

Updated Price Lists of Asclepius Wellness Products- In Pdf Format

 Hello and welcome to my blog, Today will be a short blog, it had a small update that I updated the list of all Asclepius wellness products in pdf format where you will find Product Name, quantity, Dp price and Mrp price. You can download the Pdf list using this link click on blue icon and download the list. Asclepius product list pdf format Connect us on whatsup Join our facebook group Join us on instagram Join us on youtube

Genetic Disorder Result- Unbelievable result from ayurveda

  In this post I will let you know about an result from bihar, Kid name is Ayush kumar son of ganga ram who was suffering from gene disorder since birth, His treatment started from madhubani polyclinic, but after seeing no improvement, they came to delhi, here they went to chacha nehru hospital, after that they went to Ganga Ram Hospital, But no improvement they went to ESI hospital, from there they was referred to Kalawati Hospital, On investigation in Kalawati Hospital it was found that Boy is suffering from "Genetic Disorder' Diseases in the name of Chromosomal Analysis GTg banding, with no hope they returned to their village.  With little hope they went to local Homeopathic Doctor Dr Satish Nishad who started treatment of boy using Asclepius Wellness Products & Homeopathic Medicine. In Three months Difference started to show and they continoued medicine for 1 and half year, After that period Kid is able to walk and even started to run. See this Unbelievable result in t

What is asclepius wellness and why it is growing so fast???

 Asclepius wellness is an health and wellness Indian company started on Nov2014 with an mission of Healthy India and Wealthy India. About Healthy India: Asclepius wellness Promotes Ayurvedic Products and have several Elite Health and wellness products which cured several peoples from lifestyle diseases by providing health products in their life which full filled the nutritional deficiency. We have a video demonstration on our live webinar how to increase immunity which you can see here About Wealthy India: Asclepius Wellness is an perfect opportunity for those who want to be an entrepreneur irrespective of age, Education sex and cast. It is an perfect platform which already made several millionaires from common man by their compensation plan. You can see the compensation plan here